We are 0.4 miles from Newport train station, 0.2 from the bus station
and a 1.5 miles from the M4.
Accessible toilet
A big priority since opening is to create a pub and venue that is accessible to all. While this is an ongoing project we are pleased to announce we have built an accessible toilet situated on the ground floor. Just ask the bar staff for a key.
Ramp into venue
We have a ramp for access to the venue. Unfortunately there is not a permanent ramp at the moment. If you are requiring ramp access to any upcoming gigs please email sam@lepub.co.uk and we'll ensure it's there.
The bar area is fully accessible without the need for ramps.
Personal Assistant Ticket
If you require a ticket for a personal asisstant just drop us an email to
sam@lepub.co.uk and we'll sort one out free of charge.
A few other things!
If you require early entry into the venue for any reason please just ask. We can get you in 15 minutes before doors.
If you need a seat for a gig that has been advertised as standing only, don’t worry. We can provide a tall seat with a back support for you.
The closest car park to us is an NCP.
If you need to bring medication or anything else relating to access requirements please feel free.
We welcome assistance dogs.
Strobe lighting is not in use by the venue but occasionally artists may bring their own. When this happens we will clearly signpost it on the venue doors before you enter. If you are reactive to strobes let us know and we will request with the artist that they are not used.
Large print menus and price lists are available on request from the bar and we are working on an easy read menu and hope to be able to have one on offer very soon.
If you have any questions about the above or requirements we haven’t covered please email sam@lepub.co.uk and we’ll get straight back to you.
Attitude is Everything
Attitude Is Everything send mystery shoppers in to premises signed up the their charter to regularly assess their service. We welcome this and also welcome your feedback
We installed brand new flooring at the end of 2020 to make the bar area more flat and wheelchair friendly!
If you have experience of Le Public Space and have any suggestions on improvements that can be made to help with accessibility please email sam@lepub.co.uk